Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Gr. 2 Keith Haring!

 Haring moved to New York City in 1980 when he was just 20 years old to attend college at the School of Visual Arts. This was an exciting time to live in New York City because a lot of exciting things were happening in the art world. Haring was excited to be a part of it all, but because he didn't have a lot of money, he could not go see artwork he loved in the big museums and galleries. Haring thought this was unfair and believed that art should belong to everyone and that it should be free to the public. This inspired Haring to begin creating his artwork places where everyone could see, like the subway and on sides of building. Soon, people began to take notice of his fun, cartoony style and he became one of the most famous artists of his time!

Book - The Boy Who Never Stopped Drawing
Video - https://safeYouTube.net/w/RTuab
First, we will begin drawing on our own around our stick figure poses.
Then, we will work with a team of 2 and paint our 'real haring-inspired' action poses!

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