Monday, November 9, 2020

1 Point Perspective

 Goal:  Creating our own imaginative 1 point perspective painting.

We are going to create a 1 point perspective painting.
1. What's perspective?
2. What do we need have in our drawing?
Three things - 1 - horizon line.  2 - vanishing point. 3 lines in the foreground moving back toward the vanishing point.
3. Size and Verticals.
4.  IMAGINATION - Visualize and draw what you see.

Critique the Examples.  Let them inspire you!

Painting Process will be next.... tints, shades, and colors OH MY!

DEPTH!  To be able to reach back into a setting... only it's a piece of paper... perspective is the illusion of space in a setting... it's SO AWESOME!

1 point perspective  -  horizon line  -  vanishing point  -  angle - vertical - horizontal - PATIENCE

do you remember this?....

But we want to start to imagine a different, unique world to our perspective..... 
1. choose a theme
2. think of the most important parts of this theme
3. identify the parts of our perspective painting
vanishing point, flow to the VP, objects in the foreground, middleground, background
4. be thoughtful

But WE want to go out there... and learn about Ben Heine

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Grade 1 - The Polar Unit

 All you want to know about Penguins

Fast Facts on Penguins

Emperor Penguins Underwater

Project 1 - Penguin Weavings.  We will focus on a color pattern for our penguin bellies and will be working to create a penguin with personality as we put the parts of our penguin together.

Project 2 - Clay Penguin Slab Building.
Parts of a Emperor Penguin