Monday, January 2, 2017

Aboriginal Storytelling - Symmetrical Metal Masks and Weaving

Art is a central part of the life of Australian aborigines and takes many forms. Traditionally it was made for purely cultural reasons and was only able to be created or viewed by people initiated to the proper level of knowledge. More recently, artwork has been made specifically for public viewing. Regardless of whether the art is for private or public purposes, for many artists their work remains inspired by the traditional marks and symbols from the Dreaming and the artist's country.

The Dreaming is a term used by Aboriginal people to describe relations between the spiritual, natural and moral elements of the world. It relates to a period before living memory or experience - a time of creator ancestors and supernatural beings. This period is called the Dreamtime. Many art works are visual representations of the symbols associated with the artist's Dreaming.

Our aboriginal project introduces us to this great culture, and also gives us some insight as to a different way of communicating.
Telling stories through symbols in artwork.

What is Symmetry?  Balance in art.
