Thursday, April 2, 2020

Week of 4/6/20 SHAPE & FORM

Hi Everyone!
This week our theme is Shape and Form!

This is a great visual that will define what we need to know about Shape and Form. 
Shapes are 2D objects and Forms, 3D.  We are also being shown what geometric vs organic
shapes are in this image.  The shapes we have the most experience with are geometric shapes
and we know their names BUT we have been surrounded by organic shapes our whole life..
In our doodles and in nature.
Your task this week. A scavenger hunt for shapes and forms in and around where you are!
Can you find something for every geometric shape and form?
Can you also find something that is an organic shape or form?
This is my example:

Have a blast! Simply building our awareness of shapes and forms around us teaches us a
different way to look at our surroundings.  It’s not only an artist who sees the world like this
but an architect, engineer, surface designer, florist, landscape designer… the list could go on.

I miss you.  Don’t be worried about all the great art you’ve made this year. 
It will all get back to you!  

Advanced work with pencil and paper - Check out my video for you to follow along with!

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