Tuesday, January 2, 2018

5, 4, 3, 2, 1... blast off!


Quick Review as we venture into our second half of the year!!!!

BE... respectful!

BE... responsible!

BE... safe!

5th graders.... the dino-dragons are beautiful!  i'm so proud of you!

Now: we will complete the perspective drawing by using markers!  some everyday tools we don't usually use on our 'big projects'
Then: art to remember at the end of the month  Grovers: Abstract Sculptures!

4th graders...
Now:  complete glazing, relief sculptures with aluminum foil and color families
Then:  move into art to remember  Grovers: Symmetrical Paper Mask Making / Foil Project

3rd graders...
Now:  finish Hokusai's Great Wave, iPad work with symmetry and radial design on amaziograph
Then:  castle building and art to remember  Grovers too... iPad work and Castle Building

2nd graders...
Now:  begin the mixed media owls!  Painted Bodies.. Metal Wings... CDs, pattern paper, buttons hoot hoot
Then:  art to remember

1st graders...
Now:  Penguin weaving and collages
Then:  art to remember

Now:  Clay and Abstract sculptures
Then:  art to remember..... art to remember is coming!!!