Wednesday, May 18, 2016

End of Year Projects

Leonardo Da Vinci + Inventions (getting to know the world's greatest artists video)
Persistence of Vision - Moving Pictures Video
Thaumatrope - popular toy in the 19th century - two pictures, twirled by a string, blend together using the persistence of vision theory.

notice the upside down aspect

vertical spinning placement

Grade 3
Henri Matisse (video)and his Paper Cut Outs
+ painted egg carton flowers

Grade 1
Foreground, Middle ground, Background - Grant Wood Examples
Hokusai and the Great Wave Video

Van Gogh's Sunflowers (video)
symmetrical vase cutting; collage sunflower still life with painting and cut paper

Symmetry & Insect Creations!

Symmetrical Insects
Grade 2
Needs: Scissors, Pencils
Large construction paper on table 5 for body.
Small cut construction paper in box under smart board.
Be mindful of what we are doing with the paper!  Can another person use it?... then it should go back in the box.

What does symmetrical mean?
Video - free school - mirror reflection




no.... but why? look hard!

How would I create a symmetrical insect?
Learning how to fold, draw and cut..... to create symmetrical shapes.

1. start with the body - long and lean or short and wide
2. create the head - circular, square, triangular, organic
3. add in details - color patterns, horns, antennas, wings, stingers, pinchers, fangs, dots, stripes.... big eyes ... ALL IN PAPER!  NO DRAWING!
4. save the legs for last (Mrs. Tonn will cut legs for everyone)

No glue until everything is placed out on the white paper and you have the entire insect symmetrical & well- organized the way you would like it.

Teacher Example on the Board