Thursday, November 20, 2014


Symmetry - a mirror image

Asymmetry - without symmetry

Radial - image radiates from center

Alright... now let us go through some examples.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Composition by Mondrian

Kinder Primary Compositions

Making our own Digital Mondrian Compositions with Mondrimat
Mondrian Animation
 Mondrian Creating: Lines. Color. Music.
We are also creating our own composition.  Using line and shape to identify what our composition will look like.
Paper. Black Strips. Watercolor Paint.

Time to get on with it!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Radial Design Printmaking Project

Grade 3 is moving into balance:
Radial Balance to be certain.
We are looking into patterns and possible combinations of shapes and lines.
Here is a simple video to get us started..... Video 1

Tom + Radial Balance Video

Some examples of this are::::::::
They can be a drawing of lines and shapes or the drawing can be representational.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Metal Masks + Mixed Media Project

Symmetrical: one side of the object is identical to the other.
Students are creating symmetrical masks with metal tooling.

6x8 in size. They draw half of their mask on the folded paper and then move to a light box to draw the opposite side.
The images then get taped to the metal and they will be using a wooden tool to follow their design and transfer the image onto the metal tooling.
Our background will consist of woven burlap, sewn onto a piece of construction paper, and finally the metal mask is hot-glued onto the background.

And we are looking for this kind of a result...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Amate Bark Paintings + Animal Printmaking + Lions in the Jungle

Amate Bark Paintings and Animal Printmaking
Amate is a special tree bark paper.
We will be simulating the texture of this paper by using kraft paper; crumpling it up and using ink over the top.
Then we will be working out our designs.
Stylized designs:
1 main focus in the composition
Surrounded by flora, fauna, or border pattern of some sort.  
Here are two more examples.
Then we draw , paint, and finally outline our composition.

Animal Printmaking 4/5.
Our main focus will be the animal and surrounding it, a patterned border.
We are looking for realism.  But are focused on the contour line of the animal first, then the details.
We will be having the option of a two color print.
First color: Light  Second color: Dark

Lions in the Jungle.
Looking for a little inspiration... LIKE THIS....

But really it is going to be more... LIKE THIS...